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Marching Percussion Fundamentals

Marching Percussion Fundamentals is designed for beginning to intermediate players within the marching arts. About 150 pages long, this book begins with written text on topics such as practice, approach, grip, tenor drum technique, stroke types, and more. The bulk of this book, however, is basic exercises that begin from their most basic form and  build upon each other--becoming more and more complex. Covered topics include legatos, accent tap, timing, double beat, triple beat, grids, paradiddles, rolls, flams, rudiments, fivelets, ninelets, singles, and more.

What is unique about this text is its inclusion of tenor drum arounds for most of the included exercises. 

This book is excellent for students to work through independently in their own studies, but is also a fantastic tool to use during instruction with a teacher--either privately or in a group setting.
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Physical copies of Marching Percussion Fundamentals are available for purchase on Lulu by using this link:

You may also order physical or digital copies by emailing
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